Welcome to Kristie Argot's blog about Web 2.0 tools in the classroom!

Welcome to Kristie Argot's blog about Web 2.0 tools in the classroom!

Friday, July 9, 2010


I connected with two classmates on Skype to discuss our project. One nice thing about chatting through Skype is you can see when the other person is typing. This allows you to wait for their response before typing more. We didn't get to use the camera component, but I like that idea to see the person you are talking to. This is very fun when it is someone who lives far away and you don't get to see in person often.

I have been thinking about using Skype with my students. I do whole class video conferencing with another class already. I was thinking of using Skype for pen pal conferencing. I thought I would partner one person from my class with one student from the other class. Students could use skype to share projects, journals, etc.

By using this technology, I hope to gain a more personal connection with others. Students will make connections and share their thoughts with others.


  1. I do like that feature of chat in Skype as well, Kristie. It's one problem with our Chat Tool in our class site. How do you use video conferencing with your class already?

  2. Hi Kristie,
    I, too, enjoy Skype and all that it has to offer. I would also like to know how you do video conferencing and in what subjects. How do you get the whole class in view and still make instruction meaningful? This sounds like it would be awesome for my 2nd graders. The only frustration I have with Skype is recording text, audio, or video. Is it even possible? How can I record sessions with my students for future reference?

  3. Kristie,
    You mention using Skype to conference with another class. I've been thinking about this for a few days, and I'm wondering if I can make it work. The big push in our district (we have two high schools) is to articulate our curriculum....make sure what is being taught in one building is also being taught in the other building. I'm thinking of using Skype in a couple of my classes that could be combined with the same class at the other high school. It would provide an opportunity for students (and teachers) to interact and share ideas that might not be generated in just one class. I'm excited to give it a try! Thanks for sharing.
